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Stay regulatory compliant with high quality, video IP solutions and look over you business with confidence.

NDAA Compliance


National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 is a United States federal law that specifies the budget, expenditures, and policies of the U.S. Department of Defense. Section 889 of the NDAA 2019 prohibits the U.S. government from procuring video and telecommunication equipment from certain Chinese companies and their subsidiaries. This extends to manufacturers in which video surveillance cameras and systems are offered under another manufacturer’s brand, which is common in OEM (original equipment manufacturer), ODM (original design manufacturer), and JDM (joint design manufacturer) relationships.


Our Statement

Acoba is dedicated to providing NDAA compliant products to our valued customers, and does not have OEM / ODM / JDM relationships with any banned suppliers listed under Section 889 of the NDAA 2019. A wide range of Jarvis products are fully NDAA-compliant as they do not contain components from any of the banned suppliers aforementioned. As such, our hardware can continue to be sold and used by federal agencies or other businesses that wish to implement our security solutions.

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