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Business Video surveillance

I want to protect my Business

Secure your fixed assets and your activity

Most offenses occur at night. That’s why our systems are equipped to provide you with excellent protection. In fact, our cameras have the best features to detect people 24 hours a day.


Customized, easy-to-use digital responses

Keep a constant eye on your business with our app designed for any circumstance. Find your recordings easily in order to see them when needed. Our cameras have a smart feature that makes searching easy…


Secure your premises

It is important to think about reinforcing the security of your installations and your various premises. That’s why video surveillance systems are what you need. By putting yourself in the shoes of a promoter, the first concern is: how to protect my workspace?

To this question, Jarvis provides satisfactory answers through its various offers. You can place on a high surveillance system where you have confidential documents.

This strategy allows you to maintain the integrity of your business and prevent the disclosure of certain top-secret information. Also, with cameras installed all over your premises, you put an end to malicious wills that would seek to harm your business. As you know, thefts or burglaries are likely to damage your activities and slow down your business.

Strengthening your security then becomes an important and priority operation for protecting your resources. Now you can protect your workspace and personal belongings without having anyone getting in the way.
Jarvis offers you tools equipped with the latest technology.

Our video surveillance systems will help you establish flawless security. You will also have the opportunity to assess the problems that arose at a specific time.


With Jarvis, your security guarantees your sustainability!


Video protection for more rigorous surveillance

Jarvis provides you with high-performance solutions that adapt to your needs and take into account your requirements in terms of securing your facilities and your property.

Take advice from our experts and have your HD video protection systems fitted with motion detectors installed. Enough to allow you to detect the slightest suspicious gestures within your premises.

Stay away from intrusions, thefts, assaults, and all other forms of internal or external attacks on your business. 

Trust the good care of Jarvis and let our experts take care of the installation of the cameras.

We are at your service and we are able to provide you with solutions adapted to your security needs. The HD CCTV devices we install are simple to use and let you have an eye everywhere

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    Discover Our product Categories: CCTV Cameras, NVRs, Accessories, and Cloud Video Backup Solutions

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