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Video surveillance solutions

Store video surveillance

Video surveillance solutions Store video surveillance

In order to guarantee the security of your sales or storage areas for various products, Jarvis.Camera offers you the installation …

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Finance Video Surveillance

jarvis Video surveillance solutions Finance Video Surveillance

The premises of a bank are often equipped with a state-of-the-art security system. The same goes for automatic teller machines (ATMs) installed …

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Schools video surveillance

jarvis Video surveillance solutions Schools video surveillance

The easiest and most effective way to prevent intrusions, assaults and theft is to install a video surveillance system. However, …

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Restaurant Video Surveillance

Jarvis Video surveillance solutions I-want-to-protect-Restaurant

Video surveillance turns out to be very important in a restaurant. It is not for nothing that the legislator gives you the authorization to …

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Factory Video Surveillance

Jarvis Video surveillance solutions Factory Video Surveillance I-want-to-protect-my Factory-

An investment deserves to be protected and sheltered from all dangers. The loss of one of your machines can impact your profitability.

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Enterprise Video surveillance solutions

Video surveillance solutions I-want-to-protect-Business-Video-surveillance Enterprise Video surveillance solutions

Most offenses occur at night. That’s why our systems are equipped to provide you with excellent protection. In fact, our cameras …

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Jarvis AI Video Analysis – Smart VCA


AI Video Analysis – Smart VCA

• The advanced artificial intelligence human recognition engine can greatly reduce the adverse effects caused by small animal distraction, light rain, light changes, etc.
• Higher accuracy and fewer false positives.
• Various event rules for different application scenarios.
• Video Content Analysis (VCA) detectors for intrusion, loitering, missing object, unattended object, line crossing, and face detection.

Jarvis Smart VCA is a next-generation video analytics suite running on Jarvis cameras for security applications.
The integrated Smart VCA suite includes intrusion detection, loitering detection, missing object detection, unattended object detection, line crossing detection, and face detection.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal cameras can be used for various applications where accurate detection is crucial. From perimeter protection and detecting changes to ambient temperatures to patient monitoring to ensuring equipment is operating safely and many more.

Thermal cameras are continuing to grow in popularity due to their ability to detect potential threats and reduce false alarms – while respecting privacy – saving both time and money and due to their long detection range, In addition, the processing power in these cameras has increased to support powerful analytics.

Thermal cameras can be used for various applications where accurate detection is crucial. From perimeter protection and detecting changes to ambient temperatures to patient monitoring to ensuring equipment is operating safely and many more..

Jarvis Thermal Imaging, Thermal cameras can be used for various applications


Jarvis VMS (video management system)

Jarvis VMS (video management system)

Discover our advanced Video Management System (VMS), designed to meet all your surveillance and management needs. With our VMS, you have access to two powerful versions: the desktop version and the cloud web-based version, offering optimal flexibility for your business.

One of the key highlights of our VMS is the use of a unified graphical interface. Whether you choose the desktop version or the cloud version, you will experience the same smooth and intuitive user interface. You can seamlessly transition between platforms without having to adapt to a new interface.

Discover how our solution can meet your specific needs

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